Breakaway Magazine Advertising

Breakaway Distribution Plan & Rates 2024

Distribution in Prince Edward County

30,000 copies of Breakaway Magazine go to over 200 outlets here in the Prince Edward County.

We are proud to supply Breakaway in small quantities to avoid unused piles in some back room, like other publications do.

The Breakaway magazines are replenished as they run out, to make sure every copy is
distributed to the right hands all summer long. This is why we do our own deliveries … to
monitor each of our many outlets.

People, our visitors, take the Breakaway home and use it to plan their next visit.

Print drives people to websites, how else would they know what to Google?

Distribution Outside the County

Breakaway Magazines are in the Tourism Ontario outlet in Union Station, downtown Toronto.

They run through over 5,000 each year.
That outlet is an ‘Invitation Only’ site … they approached us to supply Breakaway and, to the best of my knowledge, it is the only County publication with that honour.

Along that route, we also stock Chambers of Commerce in Belleville, Quinte West, Brighton, Colborne, and Clarington (Bowmanville 401) Eastbound, we stock the Adolphustown Museum, in Kingston the Harbourfront Visitor Centre in
the south, and the CAA office in the north (Sydenham Road). The Kingston outlets alone run through almost 5,000 per season.

The digital version of Breakaway is online available for viewers around the world.

We also feature embedded hyperlinks in our website version of the magazine. When a reader clicks on your ad or editorial, they will be taken directly to your website.